Support of the junior talent contest "Jugend forscht"

Starting in 2017 the ESD FORUM e.V. supports Germany's famous junior talent contest Jugend forscht by means of special prizes of 200 EUR at regional contests and 1500 EUR at federal contests. These prizes are awarded by the corresponding expert jury independent of the given subject area for interdisciplinary research in the field of electronics. The broad thematic support is intended to foster interdisciplinary thinking and interdisciplinary solutions, both of which are of utmost importance for the field of ESD protection.

Special Prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. at the Federal Contest 2024

The 59th federal contest of Jugend forscht took place in Heilbronn on 30 May till 2 June 2024. For interdisciplinary work related to electronics, the special prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. amounting to 1500 EUR was awarded to the project „EMS als Weg des Menschen zu maschineller Präzession“ of Anna Katharina Pook and Leon Maximilian Koehler.

The jury justified the award as follows: "Muscles are controlled by electrical nerve impulses that originate in the brain. The underlying principle can be used, for a certain type of training in which artificial electrical impulses stimulate the muscles. Anna Katharina Pook and Leon Maximilian Koehler used electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to develop a prototype prosthesis. To this end, they attached several electrodes to the forearm, with the electrodes precisely controlling the fingers of the hand using electrical impulses. The procedure worked so well, that the “remote-controlled” hand was even able to play a short piano piece. In the future, this technique could enable people with certain nerve damage to continue pursuing their hobbies and thus improve their quality of life."

Special Prizes of the ESD FORUM e.V. at the Regional Contests 2024
Robotic Tracking Platform - RTP Paul Löffler
Eingabehandschuh Oliver Klessinger
Ein 3D Drucker im Eigenbau Finn Schwarz
Kleine Kresse, ganz groß! Jakob Zöphel,
Emma Rüter
SoSmarT - Systematische Optimierung zum smarten TT-Bot Eva Shi,
David Shi
Backpackmanager Ben Schnorrenberger,
David Glänzel
SBLHTLI (Supercondutor Based Liquid Hydrogen Tank Level Indikator) Johnny Campino Müller,
Robin Schneider,
Raphael Klug
Messung und Auswertung von Photovoltaikanlagen Johannes Busemann,
Carl Töllner,
Nina Matthiesen
Energieverwertung mit Triboelektrizität Lisa Rauer,
Lisa Marie Jungheim,
Charlotte Ella Marie Pfeil
Bau eines Datenträgers Noah Weissbart
C.A.R.E. Moritz Rajiv Kinsinger,
Marie Anisha Kinsinger
Bau eines Foucaultschen Pendels im Treppenhaus des Johannes Kepler Gymnasiums Dan Vlad Himcinschi
Konstruktion einer Kleinwindanlage mit erhöhtem Wirkungsgrad für private Haushalte Dana Karatkevich,
Oliver Fritz Oberender
Datenhandschuh: Lapsus Calami Emil Büttner,
Emil Wiards
Theoretische Grundlagen der Piezoelektrizität Henry Starke
Special Prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. at the Federal Contest 2023

The 58th federal contest of Jugend forscht took place in Bremen on 18-23 May 2023. For interdisciplinary work related to electronics, the special prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. amounting to 1500 EUR was awarded to the project „Photovoltaik on fire!“ of Stefanie Eski, Florian Brütsch and Babett Ludwig.

The jury justified the award as follows: „Although solar plants become more efficient, there are still some problems. One of these problems was addressed by Stefanie Eski, Florian Brütsch and Babett Ludwig: A solar panel consists of dozens of cells. If one of them is dirty or shaded, the performance of the entire module drops, because it depends on the weakest link in the chain - possibly the dirty cell. The three young researchers solved the problem with an ingenious trick: A mini-computer monitors the voltages and currents of the solar cells. If the output of a cell drops, for example because it is covered by leaves, the software registers this drop and compensates for the losses. This prevents the output of the remaining cells from dropping - in this way the module is able to deliver almost its maximum power even in this case."

Special Prizes of the ESD FORUM e.V. at the Regional Contests 2023
School Universal Chip Florian-Stanley Zech
Bee a drone - künstliche Bestäubung Nicolai Schlüter,
Moritz Trapp,
Lewin Raetzell
Segeln mit dem Flettner-Rotor- ein zukünftiger Schiffsantrieb? Jonas Bunkowski,
Per Garbrecht
Regenerative-CPU-Kühlung Noah Witzke
Deutsch lernen mit TipToi Kira Marie Franz,
Mia Anna Proksch
Alles dreht sich um das Foucaultpende Fabian Gärtig, Adrian Böhm,
Marius Bauernschmitt
Steigen bei jeder Steigung - Die automatische Tourenbindung Jonas Leppkes,
Donatus Mutscheller
Serviceroboter Hendrik Engmann,
Pepe Quinque
Kälteschutz für Handyakkus Laura Michelle Felber
PolySelect - Sortenreine Trennung von Kunststoffen durch elektrische Felder Alina Bachmann
Photovoltaik on fire! Stefanie Eski,
Florian Brütsch,
Babett Ludwig
Reduktion der Menge nicht recycelten Mülls durch ein autonomes System Felix Hanf,
Jannik Hammerschmied,
Edwin Löffler
Special Prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. at the Federal Contest 2022

The 57th federal contest of Jugend forscht took place in Lübeck on 26-29 May 2022. For interdisciplinary work related to electronics, the special prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. amounting to 1500 EUR was awarded to the project "Interpflanzenkommunikation am Beispiel der Venusfliegenfalle und der Mimose" of Sebastian Schütze and Jannik Reimann.

The jury justified the award as follows: "Weak electrical currents are not only flowing in the human brain, but also in plants. For example, when the Venus flytrap catches an insect, a short voltage stimulus is always involved. In research, quite sophisticated instruments are needed to measure and analyze such signals. Sebastian Schütze and Jannik Reimann, however, succeeded in doing so with a much simpler, homemade apparatus based on a microcomputer and various electronic components. In this way, the two young researchers were able to reliably detect the electrical plant pulses. Furthermore, they were also able to influence a mimosa with the electrical signal of a Venus flytrap, causing it to move its leaves."

JugendForscht 2019 VinhPhucTran

Photo (© Stiftung Jugend forscht e.V.): Dr. Tilo Brodbeck (middle) hands the special prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. to Sebastian Schütze (left) und Jannik Reimann (right) and congratulates them for their outstanding research results.

Special Prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. at the Federal Contest 2019

The 54th federal contest of Jugend forscht took place in Chemitz on 16-19 May 2019 under the patronage of the German Federal President. In the field "Mathematics / Informatics" , the special prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. amounting to 1500 EUR was awarded to the project "Vorteile durch KI – Deep Learning trifft AOI: Automatische Optische Inspektion von Leiterplatten" of Vinh Phuc Tran (17), Erzhausen, Edith-Stein-Schule, Darmstadt.

The jury justified the award as follows: "Electronic printed circuit boards are mostly manufactured automatically today. Even quality control for missing, misplaced or misconnected components can be carried out by means of automated optical checks. To this end, Vinh Phuc Tran applied methodologies of artificial intelligence (AI). Based on artificial neuronal networks (deep-learning techniques) the young scientist developed a special algorithm that allows to identify six typical defects of printed circuit boards with a success rate of 99%. The results of his research can help to achieve a cost-effective production of electronic components."

JugendForscht 2019 VinhPhucTran

Photo (© Stiftung Jugend forscht e.V. / Fraunhofer IWU): Dr. Tilo Brodbeck (right) hands the special prize of the ESD FORUM e.V. to Vinh Phuc Tran (left) and congratulates him for his outstanding research results.

Special Prizes of the ESD FORUM e.V. at the Regional Contests 2019
MLV - Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Felix Sewing,
Alex Korocencev
Corona Motor - Der Motor der Zukunft? Hannes Näther
Wie man mit Induktion kocht ... ohne, dass es warm ums Herz wird Henrik Hermelink
Effiziente Audiosysteme Richard Gundermann
velo autonomus Moritz Ahrens,
Julian Jochens
TempWarn - Ein dezentrales Temperatursensor-Messsystem Sören Bender,
Konstantin Bachem
Kugelroboter Jonas Eckhardt,
Moritz Erdmann
Untersuchung von Magnetfeldern Marie Francksen,
Nele Ransiek
Entwicklung eines modularen Vielfachmessgerätes gebaut von Schülern, für Schüler Tobias Langsch,
Nick Garczorz
Autonomes Segeln Michael Behrens,
Tillmann Keller
Aufbau, Inbetriebnahme und Evaluierung eines mobilen 3D-Koordinatenmesssystems Niclas Trelle
Die Feldmühle 2.0 Daniel Anders
Das Autoauto Veit Eysholdt,
Joel Lübbers
Kalter Blitz im Reagenzglas - Eine neue Art der Desinfektion Lukas Hellmann,
Leon Luca Hornig,
Anton Stockhaus